EuDREP ("European Environmental Protocol for Dredging and Beach Nourishment")
The BEACHMED Project resulted among others to the ENV1 protocol which has been shared by some of the partners that are taking part in the EuDREP Project. EuDREP aims to share this protocol with other European regions interested on dredging of sand collected for beach nourishment of areas affected by erosion, and also to evaluate whether the protocol can be applied to other geographical areas. The Project will also focus on the problems created by variations in turbidity levels and/or sedimentation rates which can be caused by the movement of relict sand (dredging and nourishing); handling of these problems will be done by development of specific methodologies that can estimate and monitor turbidity and sedimentation rates out at sea and near the coasts. The variation in sedimentation rates in the coastal areas affected by beach nourishment activities will be studied under natural conditions and for scenarios taking place during these initiatives, including sensitive ecosystems such as Posidonia oceanica areas (species protected by European Habitat directive). The variation in turbidity levels caused by dredging will be studied in areas out at sea that possess this type of sand deposit based on the characteristics of the different types of deposits (at surface or covered by a layer of pelitic sediment).
Within the framework of the EuDREP Project, our Laboratory will verify the applicability of the shared protocol ENV1 of beach nourishment in North Greece.
Partners of our Laboratory in the EuDREP Project are:
- Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Applicata al Mare - ICRAM (Project Coordinator)
- Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente dell´Emilia-Romagna – ARPA-IA
- Università di Bologna – DISTART
- Provincia di Livorno
- Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell´Ambiente Ligure – ARPAL
The applicability of the shared protocol ENV1 will be evaluated in an area in Northern Greece, that of Nestos River delta. This area is an obvious candidate for study of dredging and beach nourishment, because several dams have been constructed along the Nestos river, reducing its sediment supply to the coastal area, which in turn results to beach erosion. The Project will be significant for Greece, since it will evaluate the applicability of the ENV1 protocol to other areas in Greece that suffer from beach erosion.
The Laboratory contribution is distributed to three Phases as follows:
In Phase A (May 2006-July 2006), we will evaluate and try to improve the applicability of the ENV1 protocol to the application area, using literature environmental and geographical information on Nestos River delta. Further, we will perform a literature review on the turbidity parameters in sea environment, and we will describe the environmental characteristics of the application area with respect to sand dredging and beach nourishment. In addition, we will determine the legal regulations concerning dredging and nourishment.
During Phase B (August 2006-February 2007), we will select proper methodologies for estimation and monitor of turbidity and sedimentation rates out at sea and near the coasts, putting emphasis to application at sensitive ecosystems such as Posidonia oceanica areas. Further, in this period we will prepare and organize the field studies.
In Phase C (March 2007-April 2008) we will perform the field studies using specialized instrumentation and the methodologies selected in Phase B for estimation and monitor of turbidity and sedimentation rates at sea and coastal environments, possibly near Posidonia oceanica areas.
During all Phases, there will be continuous communication with partners and exchange of information.